The definition of a gift rant
I have a question
for you...what does the word "gift" mean? The reason I ask is simple.
There are people
in my life, specifically in my family that think a gift is a thing that
you make
someone work there
ass off to get, making sure along the way to build as many hoops as possible
them to jump through
before you get pissed off that the person you are "giving" this "gift"
to isin't
living up to your
expectations and then finally (after stringing them along for 6 MONTHS)
just say
fuck it, I'm bored
with showing how superior I am to you. I was just fucking with you, you
can't have
the gift after all,
even though you need this item to make a living and given the last six
moths probably
could have come
up with the money yourself but I strung you along, kept you thinking I
was a kind
person willing to
help out someone in need. Oh well, I'm bored, have a nice life. So I was
wondering, because
I thought a gift was something you gave, no strings attatched, as a sign
of love or
caring. I guess
If you would like
your rant posted here please e-mail me at
and I'll do it.!