9.19.99 - Woo hoo, a new rant, and it's only been what? 5 months...lol. well i should be getting on-line more now so hopefully I will have rants on a regular basis, belive me there are plenty of things I have to say.

Following is a post I made on a Vegan board I frequent. Some of the anger in the post was not really directed towards the idiot that had responded to my post but to a so called friend that had been insulting me in my yahoo club and causing problems amongst it's members. But the person I was ranting about was deserving nonetheless.

The I hate ignorant people Rant

you know what I find infuriating? people that pretend to be intelligent. People that lie to themselves,  people that make excuses, people that don't READ entire posts, people that infer meaning without getting facts and then act as if their inference IS fact, and then make accusations or derogatory comments to the ones that they were pretending to listen to. Usually I only encounter this with obviously closeminded people. But when I became a vegan I hoped that those that could embrace something so different and contrary to mainstream belief would be open and thoughtful and honest. Apprently I am too optimistic. I am not saying ALL vegans are this way, I am just noting the fact that it's everywhere, ignorance, lies and plain old closeminded, head in the sand mentality is in every nook and cranny of human existance. sad realization, no? well I've grown a little from the epiphany  that's for sure. Feel free to flame me for my observations, it wouldn't be the first time, and quite possibly wont be the last.

*in a very pissy mood from having to deal with not one but two of the affore mentioned people, one  which was a good friend for 10 years, oh-fu**ing well*

If you would like your rant  posted here please e-mail me at kaitmoon@yahoo.com and I'll do it.!

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